Final Conference 21st April 2023

Register here to attend the Final Conference
Friday 21st April (morning) in Dublin
We are organising the Final Conference to showcase the results of our project to IAG & VET organisations, guidance practitioners and relevant stakeholders, inviting them to engage with our Community of Practice and review the digitalised Case Studies, the Digital Readiness Syllabus and eLearning programme developed, as well as the self-learning guide for managers of IAG services and VET providers.
This is an opportunity to share the DigiGuide methodology and approach with our networks and make you part of the journey experienced within our cooperation partnership for innovation and the exchange of good practices.
DigiGuide 3rd Newsletter

DigiGuide 3rd Newsletter
Download English version here!
Transnational Project Meeting Marseille 20-21 October 2022:

The whole DigiGuide partnership has met again face to face to take stake of the achievements and steps progressed in the development of our Intellectual Outputs.
We have looked at the eLearning moodle platform with Case Studies and activities embedded in all partner languages, the testing phase with the Community of Practice and the evaluation of resources from a guidance practitioners’ point of view.
In addition, the content and structure of the Digital Transformation Guide for Managers was agreed and we are ready to continue working in the last phase of our project.
Staff Training Event

The Guidance practitioners from our DigiGuide Community of Practice took part in a 3-day Learning Teaching and Training Activity LTTA between the 28th and 30th June 2022 in Larissa, Greece, hosted by our project partner Dimitra Education & Consulting.
This interactive training was a great opportunity to explore innovative tools for digital content creation in order to transform the case studies developed in the previous months of the project into innovative digital learning resources.
The first day of the meeting was an opportunity to share challenges and expectations on the digitalization process of the case studies undertaken since April and work together on the relevant tools and platforms. Participants had the opportunity to ask each other for help and hints on how to improve technical aspects of their digitalised case studies and it was such a productive session that they went over time with hard work from everyone!
Day two of the training was divided into two parts: in the first part, participants continued to work on digitalisation, while in the second part, they explored the Moodle platform that will host the digital learning content they created and exchanged ideas on the learning activities to be developed.
The last day of the LTTA was dedicated to a study visit to JOIST innovation park, a space that offers meeting and training rooms, offices, a co-working space, a fully equiped YouTube room, an exhibition space and much more to the city of Larissa, in order to boost innovation and knowledge transfer in the fields of entrepreneurship, technology, science, art, and design.
This 3-days training was an amazing opportunity to acquire and improve digital and content development skills and to strengthen the collaboration between the members of our Community of practice.
Stay tuned to find out what the final result of this intensive digitalization work will be!